Posts Tagged ‘plumbing fixtures San Jose’

It’s Been SIX Years Since Our Fire…

Today is the 6th Anniversary of our store burning down. We had only bought it two months before. While it may seem that we should celebrate the beginning of our lives as small business owners, instead, we celebrate the fire. Weird. We know. But this fire took our paychecks and burned them for about two years. We feel like celebrating this is celebrating how darn AMAZING we are. We’ve stuck together as a family and we’ve relied on our loyal business relationships to carry us through. This celebrates YOU for supporting us. For sticking with us. For telling your friends. Let’s continue to beautify and build better together.

As we look back, one of the most hilarious memories to us is that we honestly thought we could clean everything up and be open in two days. We really thought we could sweep and scrub and get it into shape. Clearly delusional shock. The building is gone and the location is now up for sale.

You’ll just have to come and visit us in our beautiful new showroom. It’s about THREE times as big and way quieter and cleaner since we have our professional cleaning staff (our two kids) dusting and wiping all of the time.

Hope to see you really soon!!

The Bettencourts

The Outside of the Building was CRISPY

The Outside of the Building was CRISPY

These used to be shelves of toilets and sinks

These used to be shelves of toilets and sinks

These were vanities and pedestal sinks

These were vanities and pedestal sinks

These were pullout kitchen faucets. The hand pieces just melted away.

These were pullout kitchen faucets. The hand pieces just melted away.

This is what a cast iron sink looks like after a fire. Not too bad?

This is what a cast iron sink looks like after a fire. Not too bad?

This was a wall of faucets. Not sure where all of the cardboard came from? maybe it somehow blew in from the adjoining storage area?

This was a wall of faucets. Not sure where all of the cardboard came from? maybe it somehow blew in from the adjoining storage area?

This was a vanity display and glass medicine cabinet. What a MESS!!

This was a vanity display and glass medicine cabinet. What a MESS!!

A Little Bit of a Color War before we sent our friend off to the Coast Guard

A Little Bit of a Color War before we sent our friend off to the Coast Guard

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